Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sunday October 30

I don't really get the whole "Halloween" fever. Christians or not everyone is nuts about it. It is a great business all around the world. Does it teach something useful? Aaahmmm not as far as i know; all the contrary. The kids are exposed to different "monsters", "witches", or "zombies" and then parents pay thousands of $ to psychologists to help their child get over nightmares and so on.
Anyways today was great for me. I had the chance to meet and chat with some of my best friends and for that i am grateful and happy :D
I'm just sorry for those who think that playing with demons is harmless. I think not. You can't set a fire in the middle of the house and then expect it not to burn down the entire estate.
Be smart and choose wisely what you will practice 'cause you are what you do!

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