Saturday, October 29, 2011

Friend S.O.S.

Every since the phenomen "Facebook" people have forgotten just to visit themselves, sit at a cup of tea/ coffe/  milk/ water/ whatever just doing some chit-chat.

Now if you want to find something about your friends just visit there facebook page. No need for any preps from you. It's don't have to take a shower, choose your outfit, clean up your shoes or running after the bus so that you wont be late.

Nope you can be but naked or just in your pajamas and still find the newest things about your friends.
But have you noticed that when you have a list of several thousand people you often don't get to see updates from people you actually know. Sure now facebook has improved this issue by bringing the so called "close friends" list.

Ok...i'm cool with it, really but somehow i feel like this thing, and by "thing" i don't mean exclusive facebook, but all social networks, instead of bringing us closer to our friend, separates us from those who are actually our friends and with whom we used to enjoy talking "live stream" or just hanging out.

This sucks... i really wish to go back to the times when the biggest punishment our parents could have given us was not to go outside ...Today  it seams that that biggest punishment has turned into a blessing.
Too bad...

Do you still remember how to play?

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