Monday, October 17, 2011

Over'n out

You know, some people, sometimes, somehow just have the worst day ever. And of course that it's not a unique event...oh noooo.....not by far. Unfortunately sometimes when you dont rise at the expectations of others you are been looked down at. It's no need to do something's just enough not to do what everyone expects you to do.

I don't know really what you should say to that someone who just gags all around about : "oh you haven't considered that i might want this or that" ...aaahmmmm yeah ...well i dont sit around all day doing nothing, so therefor i dont have time to analyse your preferences. Sorry my bad!

Ok if i dont imagine that you might like this or that, it's my fault...wouldn't be easyer to give a call and say what you want ? rather then just screaming and annoying everyone around you ? is the fun in that. Well guess what : I shall start to take my "carefree" pills so that your words just stop affecting me so much. Cause you are letting all your frustration on me and makeing my day, my spirit miserable...thanks but right now, that's the last thing i need.

If this is helping...please don't help me anymore!

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